Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Why Detritus?

The American Heritage Dictionary (online version) defines detritus as:
1. Loose fragments or grains that have been worn away from rock. 2a. Disintegrated or eroded matter: the detritus of past civilizations. b. Accumulated material; debris: “Poems, engravings, press releases—he eagerly scrutinizes the detritus of fame” (Carlin Romano).
ETYMOLOGY: French (sorry, Gene) détritus, from Latin dtrtus, from past participle of dterere, to lessen, wear away.

Why Detritus? Most weeks I have the opportunity to pray about, research, write and deliver messages to an amazing group of people at Simi Prez. But those weekly messages barely scratch the surface of what I'm learning, thinking about, talking over, praying through, reading, etc. This blog is an effort to share those 'loose fragments, accumulated material and debris' (see above) that don't fit the weekly message format but which are nonetheless interesting, inspiring, faith-building, funny/weird, or otherwise noteworthy.

For those of you not familiar with the term 'blog' it's short for 'web log'. My guess is that a guy came up with the name because guys keep track of stuff in logs, not diaries. Besides, 'bdiary' involves an unpronouncable bdipthong.

I was motivated to do this after reading Brian Bailey's book The Blogging Church which argues that blogs are an excellent way for a pastor to communicate on a personal level with a large congregation. Sounds like a plan to me, so here we are.

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